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本文报道了中国黄海黄岛海域潮间带木上的暗球腔菌属中的2个中国新记录种:新海暗球腔菌Phaeosphaeria neomaritima和高山暗球腔菌P.subalpina。文中对它们的形态特征及分布情况进行了描述和讨论。标本存放在青岛农业大学真菌标本室(MHQAU)。  相似文献   
香椿老叶开发利用价值研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在进行香椿矮化密植栽培以获得高档木本蔬菜即香椿芽时,可以得到较多的副产物即香椿的老叶(约每亩产叶360~450公斤)。据分析,这一副产物含有较高的能量和较为丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、粗纤维等主要营养物质及矿质营养元素,故香椿的老叶有很高的饲用价值,把香椿作为木本饲料作物进行栽培有一定的意义。  相似文献   
This paper presents basic concept of feature extraction of handwritten Chinese character, and proposes a new feature extraction named superposition mesh weighting factors strokes extracting algorithm to obtain feature of small set handwritten Chinese character. Basing on the analysis model of RBFNN, an integration RBF classifier is used for small set handwritten Chinese character recognition. Then, the hybrid optimize strategy, which combines the genetic algorithm and the simulated annealing, is adopted to train RBFNN.  相似文献   
With hemorheological methods. a new traditional chinese medical-tea(TCMT)and its effects on the coronary heart disease(CHD)has been studied.A series of data from the CHDPatients before and after taking TCMT,including apparent viscosity,viscoelasticity, theconcentration of fibrinogen and other clinical indexes,showed that the TCMT could promotedisintegration of RBC aggregation,reduce the concentration of fibrinogen and the plasma viscosityand cut down the resistance of microcirculation therefore improve the human circulation, Nontoxiceffects was found in the clinical experiments.It can be expected that the TCMT as a usual drink is beneficial to the CHD.  相似文献   
通过对包头市大青山山前洪积地区3种林木的生长习性、用途及能够带来的经营效益进行估算比较,结果认为小黑杨纸浆林在第10~11年经济效益达到最大,可达6.7~7.7万元/km2,但是周期较长;建果园农场,从第5年开始,年收入达到5 000元/hm2以上;种植枸杞,从第4年开始,年收入可达3.0~4.5万元/hm2。经过对3种经济林培育的经济、生态和社会效益进行比较,认为在包头市大青山山前洪积地区种植枸杞的方案合理可行。  相似文献   
Elastic and strength properties(proportional-limit stress(σ prop ),Young's modulus(E),breaking stress(σ max )in static bending parallel to grain in a longitudinal direction),as well as stress relaxation in air-dried condition and water-saturated conditions at seven different constant temperatures and increasing and decreasing temperatures were investigated for wood from Chinese-fir and poplar plantations.The results show that hygrothermal conditions considerably affect these mechanical properties.The higher the moisture content(MC)or temperature,the lower the strength of wood.Further investigation of the effects of constant temperature on stress relaxation indicates that high temperature specimens have low relaxation moduli and high fluidity.In the case of increasing temperature the range of the modulus of relaxation is larger than in the case of a reduction in temperature,while the residual moduli do not show large differences.This is because the modulus at high temperatures decreases more than that at low temperatures.The fluidity of specimens in a state of water desorption increases slowly at the beginning,increases quickly until the MC reaches an equilibrium moisture content(EMC)and then becomes stable,which is quite different from that in a water-saturated state.Fluidity in a desorption state is much higher than in a water-saturated state.This is probably due to the fact that the former is in an unstable state which can be interpreted as a state with internal strain and has therefore a greater potential to release strain.  相似文献   
从整地、选种、育苗、起苗假植、运输、造林和抚育管理等方面介绍杉木栽培技术,以期为建设以杉木为主的用材林提供参考。  相似文献   
对大白菜与不同属间以及属内种间植物的远缘杂交研究进行了综述,指出大白菜远缘杂交育种中存在的远缘杂交不亲和,杂种不育和后代变异复杂等主要问题以及克服方法,并对大白菜远缘杂交研究进行了展望。  相似文献   
菜薹花芽分化及BrcuFLC基因的克隆与表达   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过制作石蜡切片研究了菜薹(Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis (L.) Makino var. utilis Tsen et Lee)早熟品种‘油青49’和晚熟品种‘油青甜菜心80天’的花芽分化过程,结果表明,当展开2~3片真叶时花芽分化开始启动。用已报道的拟南芥Flowering locus C (FLC) 基因和FRIGIDA (FRI) 基因的保守区域设计引物,通过RT-PCR的方法从两个菜薹品种中均克隆得到了两个决定开花的关键基因,并命名为BrcuFLC (GenBank登录号为EF138603)和BrcuFRI (GenBank登录号为EU700362)。半定量式RT-PCR表达分析表明, BrcuFLC基因在早、晚熟菜薹品种的不同发育时期表达存在差异,表达量随真叶数增加而逐步减少,但在晚熟品种中BrcuFLC表达量降低幅度小;BrcuFRI则在早、晚熟品种的所有阶段表达都较低。BrcuFLC在菜薹不同部位表达的情况不同,在茎、叶中的表达强,花次之,根中表达较弱;而BrcuFRI在早、晚熟品种根中的表达量明显高于其它3个部位。  相似文献   
采用菌丝生长速率法,测定了6种中草药乙醇提取物对油菜菌核病菌、番茄灰霉病菌、番茄早疫病菌等12种植物病原菌的抑菌活性.结果表明:在粗提物质量浓度为1mg/mL时,红茴香提取物对油菜菌核病菌的抑制率为65.3%;补骨脂乙醇提取物除对番茄灰霉病菌和早疫病菌外,对其他10种病原菌的抑制率均在63%以上,其中对油菜菌核病菌抑制率最大,达到74.9%.在粗提物质量浓度为10mg/mL时,红茴香和补骨脂乙醇提取物对多数供试植物病原菌抑制率在60%以上,特别是对油菜菌核病菌,两种中药乙醇提取物抑制率分别为100%和88.3%;此外,在此浓度下,金钱草乙醇提取物对玉米大斑病菌,蓼子草乙醇提取物对小麦赤霉病菌的抑制率也在60%以上.可见红茴香和补骨脂乙醇提取物对油菜菌核病菌抑制活性最高,具有进一步研究的价值.  相似文献   
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